Tuesday, November 22, 2011

State of the Union: A Thanksgiving Tarot Reading

Here's a reading I did on the general state of our country (the US) in honor of Thanksgiving. I asked about the general mindset of our country politically and where we're headed. Hope you find it interesting - I certainly did!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your reading about the state of the nation in the US, and I appreciate your use of the RWS, even though you are a Thoth boy. :) Actually I found your blog through your YouTube about Thoth. I was searching for reasons why there seems to be such a superiority thing going with Thoth readers against RWS. I quite like the RWS and sometimes feel belittled by or looked down on by Thoth fans. I do own a Thoth deck and may one day study it, but I'm not interested in learning Thelema, reading the Book of Thoth at least three times, or those other things you suggest in your YouTube. So I may end up staying down here with the underlings. :D Anyway, I enjoy your reading style and hope you recovered from that sniffle! I look forward to more readings from you.


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