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FROM 5/26 TO 6/16
"Key qualities I appreciated about your reading were: gave a surprisingly accurate reflection of my sense of my recent past, current challenges and future perplexities... [and] your basic kindness and optimism."
"I was truly, truly astounded. And it is in the details you do not know and the things I have working behind the scenes that make it all so incredibly acute and accurate. Again, I will respond properly later, but you are not a charlatan. You truly have been given a gift. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you."
"I am really impressed as you were right on about my current situation. Everything you said was spot on, your interpretation was nothing short of amazing."
Thank you for stopping by! My name is Nick, otherwise known as Princeofcups518 on Youtube. I am a tarot reader of five years' experience. I use many kinds of decks but my preferred deck is the Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris.
Here's a breakdown of the available readings:
Modified 3-Card: Essentially a 10-card spread based on the simplicity of the traditional 3-card. Best for quick questions about small matters.
Celtic Cross: 10-card traditional spread best for general readings, but also useful for more in-depth analysis of a particular problem or situation. I consider this type of reading to be my specialty.
15-Card Thoth: 15 cards, 5 sections. Looks at current situation, psychological factors, karmic factors, and two possible outcomes.
Monthly Forecast: 12 cards for the signs/houses of the zodiac, which correspond to different areas of one's life. Intended to predict for the current month (30 days).
NEW: Lover's Cross: Every tarot reader worth their salt offers a relationship spread, so I figured it was about time I came up with one myself! A modified Celtic Cross spread that compares both individuals' perspectives and evaluates where the relationship is headed.
NOTE: I no longer offer Opening of the Key Readings.
Here's an example reading from my Youtube channel:
Disclaimer: Must be 18 years of age or older. Please do not ever substitute critical advice from medical, financial, or legal advisors with the advice given by a tarot reader. I am not responsible for any decisions you make on your own; readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Any other general questions, please feel free to contact me at
All best,