Saturday, July 10, 2010

Opening Statement

If you're reading this, bless your heart, because I'm sure this will become an obscure and pleasantly awkward blog. My name's Nick, and I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts on Tarot, history, music, religion, life, etc., because I just like to talk about that stuff with people. I figured this would be an interesting way to get others' opinions on these things as well as explain what I've learned in my disparate studies. And yes, I am actually a dork, and yes, I am listening to music from the gothic period as I write this.

Speaking of which, I decided to entitle the blog "Polyphony" because I figured I'd be writing about a number of different things. Originally I wanted this to just be about Tarot, but I decided I could never just talk about one thing like that. Hopefully I can make all these ridiculous topics interesting to y'all over time. Granted, Guillaume de Machaut isn't exactly mainstream music, but I think it's important to remember that it was very mainstream about 700 years ago (gosh, has it been that long already??).

As far as my personal background, I'm going to be a senior in college this year - highly looking forward to that - and then I'll be moving on to grad school for choral conducting (ideally). I'm a music major with a minor in Medieval/Renaissance studies - Yes. Holler.
As far as my Tarot background is concerned, I'm highly interested in the workings of the Golden Dawn as well as Crowley and his Thelema, though ultimately, I adhere strictly to nothing. I believe spirituality should be as pantheistic as possible. Every religion has something to offer, just as every individual has something insightful to say about God. Therefore, why settle for one belief system? Systems become suffocating and uninspiring over time - at least that's my feeling on it.

So, in short, on this blog, you may expect to find musings on all these things. I hope you will find it intriguing and engaging - I'll try my best. Otherwise, thanks for visiting, and best wishes!

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