It being Easter this weekend, I feel compelled as I annually do, to write something about it. This year I want to talk about Love, because it is so centrally important to the whole thing, and because it's been on my mind lately. I will keep it brief. For once.
Above all else, we must choose love. Love must not be hoarded but given liberally. For nothing may unite the divided but Love, and truly Love is the Law, Love under Will. There is no greater evil in existence than hatred, which comes from our selfishness. When we selfishly love only ourselves, or those who reflect the seemingly positive qualities in ourselves, we commit a grave error. Do not choose to love only the obvious, but also the subtle, the small, and the hidden. Love all things passionately and courageously, for many things are unknown to you and are therefore terrifying, and yet you must love them regardless. Love is that which liberates us because it frees us from the prison of selfishness. Love is that which gives us Life because Love is the prime motivator of the entire universe, which is one disparate whole trying to attain its original unity. Love is that which gives us Light because it illuminates our true nature, and shows us who we really are by teaching us that which we are not.
For the pain of the world is this: that we are without love. We look for union with passing things and not with that which is real. All this is a snare; love is the only remedy. God is as a mother observing her children, mourning as they die and find no rest. Yet she loves them for she lives through them, though they know her not. All of her children are abominations, for all of them are imperfect being Made. And yet there is great and overwhelming joy in this agony, for this is the necessary repercussion of creation. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son," which is to say that God so loved his creation that he endowed it with his own self, that it might have life and love. Not one of us may say that we have not partaken in Communion with God through bread and wine, for we exist and that is enough. We are of the body of God, and we act with the force of God, who is the origin of all form and force.
Strive to give love daily. Accept love daily. Die through this love daily. Love is a force like any other. Like heat it cannot be contained and must be transcendent. It knows no limitations and no boundaries. It is shameless and condemns not. But do not mistake love as I have already said. Do not love only that which validates yourself, for this is foolishness. Dare to love All, which you are only a part of.
This is the basis of all the Law and teachings of the Prophets. Those who have ears to hear it, may they take it to heart.